Bob Dylan's Nobel Lecture

5 Jun 2017

The Swedish Academy has received Bob Dylan’s Nobel Lecture. The speech is extraordinary and, as one might expect, eloquent. Now that the Lecture has been delivered, the Dylan adventure is coming to a close. In October last year, Bob Dylan made clear, in a private phone conversation with the permanent secretary, that he was by no means averse to accepting the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature. He felt tremendously honored, he stressed. In December, he provided a thank-you speech that was delivered at the Nobel Banquet by the former U.S. ambassador to Sweden, Ms Azita Raji. In April, the members of the Academy met with Bob Dylan in Stockholm to present him with the gold medal and the diploma. Now, the Academy is pleased to acknowledge the receipt of the Nobel Lecture. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Bob Dylan and his staff, especially Jeff Rosen, for having cooperated so beautifully. To listen to the audio recording and to read the accompanying text, please visit

Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy